Late Night Ramblings - Post Shark Tank
Posted on May 03 2012
We were ecstatic when we got our first online order, we felt a glimmer of hope when we opened our first retail account, we literally hurt when we got our first customer complaint, and smiled for days when we received our first glowing review. I say all this, because running a business is such a roller-coaster. Being on Shark Tank was like that signature, breathtaking drop - we are laughing, screaming, and just holding on tight. I remember pulling all-nighters in college, feeling like I couldn't type one more letter, but looking back, that must've been training for this very moment. Sleep is an afterthought and that's okay. The one thing that pains me is not being there for my girls as much as I had hoped.

A snapshot of our living room right now.
I came across an article in that said the following, "If you're going to be successful, you've got to love your business more than anything else--even your family." WOW. When I read this, I felt like someone punched me in the gut. I'm determined to be successful, but I refuse to believe this. I have a company and product, because of my family. I have the most amazing partner who is my family, and family is helping us survive this ride.
I don't even know where I'm going with this blog post, but I just had to take a minute away from work and think big picture. Thanks for listening. Anyone agree/disagree? How do you all juggle work and family?
Great post!
I think you articulate what most people, especially business owners go through.
First thing I would say is to live by your deepest values and follow your conscience. Always!
Second, learn from the one you are following and choose that person wisely.
Here is what Jesus had to say about how to think about each day (moment). I start each day with this prayer and then converse with Him about the days needs and what he is calling me to do.
Ok, I’m tired and just wanted to share somethings.
Congrats on your growing business.
As you grow your business, make sure you two are in regular conversation about the important things.
Invest the most in your marriage first, family (w/kids) second. This will pay the greatest dividends.
Money and businesses come and go, but it is your marriage and family that will (if wise choices are made) be there for love and support.
I appreciate your sharings.
Keep up the good work!!! I can’t wait to get mine in a week or two.
I just posted a great thought. I don’t see it. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to share in person. Night.
Doh, its late and now I see it. Sorry for hogging up so much comment space.
ahhh yes I can sympathsise, was a small business owner juggling kids and family myself………..keep going you will feel good even on a bad day! :)
Aww. Well I can imagine that this is very overwhelming for you because of the high demand of your awesome product and you want to please your customers. My advice is to get as much outside help as possible. Taking out a few hours or maybe an entire day (if possible) to have the alone time you need with your husband and kids will def. make u feel better. In my opinion, no matter how much anyone loves their job, you should ALWAYS make time for yourself and your loved ones. Good luck :).
Hanna -
You’re wrestling with and answering your own question. You know you don’t want to work this way forever, so push now and enjoy what’s on the other side. You’re doing this FOR and WITH your family by your side. There’s a great deal of hidden good to that… You’re able to work alongside your husband and share in this ‘overnight’ success. You’re paying forward valuable lessons to your children about creating personal wealth, networking, marketing, and possibly life balance.
Just hang in there for a while, and I bet you’ll be one of those “Shark Tank” follow-up stories (wearing a big smile at the park with your family) next season. Your product is remarkable, so it’ll have a life of its own after you finish this production and packaging run. Mark my words: it won’t be YOU doing this manual labor forever.
Short term sacrifice, long term gain! You have a community of fans here to prop you up too :)
Hang in there. All of your hard work and sacrifice will pay off. Who says you can’t have it all?
I whole heartedly agree. True success is the ability to manage both your business and personal relationships simultaneously. At no point should one ever have to sacrifice ones relationship permanently for the good of the business! The family will be there for you, even when the business is not and that is something that should never be taken for granted.
Thanks for sharing. Totally agree. I think I see my box. :)
SO AGREE! I have my own business and look forward for the ‘golden moment’ like the one you are experiencing now! So embrace the good feeling, the sleep deprivation, the absence from the kids, the long hours at work, ‘cos it’s all worth for the long run! I’m so happy for your success and I look forward for my LOLA cup I bought for my son…all the best!!
success is in the eye of the beholder! You have already acheived success by having a family, your awesome business is just a bonus!
i hope that article writer was being sarcastic or facetious. his narrow-minded view of success is not what you are aiming for! keep up the hard work, but don’t put your business ahead of your family! you can be successful at both as long as your keep your heart and mind focused on Him.
I agree with you – your family is the most important! Take care!
Thanks for your thoughtful response. I keep reading it over and over…
Thanks…must do.
I am loving the image of my wearing a big smile at the park…oh to be outdoors. Thank you thank you for the much-needed boost.
Fully agree!
I will have it all!