Lollacups on Backorder
Posted on June 01 2012
Some of you may have noticed that Lollacups have been backordered since we appeared on ABC's Shark Tank, and now, you are actually unable to complete a purchase on our webstore. This is not an error. Allow me to explain . . .
As it stands, we have many unfulfilled orders and many eager customers waiting to receive their Lollacups. And, as many of you know from watching our pitch on ABC’s Shark Tank, we are a small business who is now fortunate to have Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec on board as investors.

Being on Shark Tank and ABC World News gave our business an incredible boost, and we could never have anticipated this kind of response. Now that we have received funding, we, along with our investors, have decided to make improvements to our production molds and our product.
We anticipate that this process may take 10-12 weeks, but we will keep you updated on our progress through various social media outlets. We are also happy to answer any questions, so please call us at 310-776-5655 or email us at
When we have plenty of the new (and improved) Lollacups in stock, we will let everyone know ASAP. We ask for your patience and support as we work on Lollacup 2.0, if you will.
I love love this cup, I AM moving to stainless steel sippy cups as are A LOT of people… I think it would be great if you consider doing a stainless steel option the same concept as hype Thinkbaby straw cups where they have a plastic model and a stainless steel model, I really really hope you consider this!
Im glad to hear you are making improvements and I would like to know your policy because…unfortunately not even a month has passed and my daughter broke her cup. The little chicken tab on the top broke off into pieces creating sharp edges and 2 small pieces that could be a choking hazard. Luckily, I was there when it happened, but I would hate for another baby to get hurt by this. I saw your story on shark tank and loved it. Unfortunately…I do think there are some improvements that need to be made for safety reasons.
enjoyed seeing you & the product on Shart Tank…I look forward to 2.0!
Cristie, I’m sorry to hear that happened. Please email us at and we will take care of you. We will be improving upon that part and the overall durability of the cup. We literally make improvement with each production run.
Thanks dba!
This product/company/the creators and everything at lollacup is one of my big inspirations to start up. You have shown you can take a crazy, awesome idea and turn it into a selling product.
Where can we buy it in a store? There have to be places in NY with it in stock I would hope.
I hope you consider making the new product PVC free as well as BPA and phalate free. I would also be interested in a stainless steel option. I eagerly await for my cups to arrive!
I am a bit concerned about the lollacups I purchased from one of your online retailers. If there is a newer better product coming out in the near future I want them. My order is back ordered until June 11th. Is the new shipment that Erie Drive is sending out the newer model?
Elisa – Lollacups are PVC-free. As for stainless steel, we haven’t considered that route. Will be a topic of discussion. Thanks!
If we are backordered all our retailers are, so I’m not sure if you’ll be receiving a cup soon. IF you do get one and aren’t sure, please email us at and we’ll help you out. FYI, the current lollacups have been 3rd party tested and are safe for use, but we are always trying to improve upon our work. Hence, the newer model…hope this helps.
That is my question too… my mom just bought one for my son today, actually (which is why I am on your site :) ). But if a new and improved one is coming out, will I be able to trade mine in for it? if your product wasn’t good enough, you should have pulled it from all shelves instead of JUST refusing to sell it on your Web site. I feel a bit duped. :
My 15 month old grandson loves the Lollacup I gave him—so much so that my daughter asked me to get another for him. I noticed that the bottom of the newer one was a different plastic which I figure must be one of the improvements of which you speak.. He has now thrown his older one (we are trying to teach him not to do that) from his high chair. The bottom sprung a leak. I checked your website to see if I could order a replacement bottom. When you get caught up with back orders, I hope you will make it possible for us to buy replacement bottoms (or tops for that matter). Great product and a bonus that it is made in the USA. I’m going to be giving Lollacups as a baby presents! Congratulations.
Lori, I completely understand your concern. Please do not feel duped. It’s not that the current cups aren’t “good enough,” we’re just always trying to make improvements.
I would love to see a borosilicate straw, stainless steel version of this. I can’t find a non-toxic dippy straw container combo anywhere! There are straws for glasses and there are containers, but all the containers use plastic straws.
Do you have an email list that you can contact us when the cup becomes available? My son is 5 months old and I really hope to have this cup as I transition him away from his bottle.
We do have an email list. If you’d like to be put on the list, please email us at Thanks!
Hello there, I am very interested in Lollacup not only for its cute design but also the convenience for baby to drink. As a mom I care a lot about the material of the product. I am very happy this cup has no BPA. However, I didn’t see any info saying what is the straw made of ? Is it silicone ? Need the answer before making a purchase. Many thanks !
The straw is not silicone. It is technically a thermoplastic elastomer. We hired a chemist to formulate this material especially for this cup. Hope this helps.
I saw you on Shark Tank a couple weeks ago. I think it was a rerun. As soon as I saw your cup I yelled for my daughter to come watch. We both knew we had to have one for my 11 month old granddaughter and thought what a great idea. We had to order one and I did just that today. I will also be purchasing a few more for other babies in our family and friends. I hope you aren’t still back order cause we are really looking forward to receiving ours soon. Thanks and Good luck in your new business.