Is there ever a "right" time to have children?
Posted on August 14 2012
Now that my older daughter is nearing 5 and my younger daughter is 3, people keep asking me whether I want to have more children. I honestly don't know. As an only child, I always dreamed of having a large family, but as an entrepreneur, I feel as if I'm raising 2 girls and a newborn again. It's incredible how much of one's time, energy, money, resources, and just plain self running a business requires.
When I watch my daughters play with one another and laugh uncontrollably, it melts my heart. What a special bond siblings have and how amazing to experience childhood alongside a sibling. As I mentioned earlier, I am an only child, because my mother had an ectopic pregnancy after having me and could not conceive after that. Although I never had siblings, I don't remember feeling lonely as a child.
One thing an older, and much wiser, friend told Mark and me after we got married was, "there's never a right time to have children." You will never have enough money, enough time and energy, a large enough house, etc. Once you become a parent, you become a survivor and figure it all out.
Anyway, I've been genuinely torn about whether I'm "ready" or truly wanting to have another child, but 4 weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant. Without getting into the details, we were genuinely puzzled by this "miracle." It took a full week for me to get over the shock, but we feel very blessed in so many ways.

Mark and I are looking forward to experiencing life as a family of 5! As soon as we learned we were expecting, Mark turned to me and said, "now you will have so much to blog about!" I just have to leave it at that . . .
aaaaand now I can add crying at work to my reusme Thanks for putting our friendship into such great context Jacquelyn! Few people get to experience the childhood that our neighborhood got to enjoy, and the friendships that were made. It is weird for me to see the name Ryan there as I think in the years he was here I called him Ryan maybe once, and Flood for everything! You have many gifts Jacquelyn, and being an amazing friend is one of your best! Love you!!!