A Look Back at Shark Tank
Posted on February 07 2013

Lollacup in line at the Shark Tank Season 3 Open Casting Call
Our episode of Shark Tank is re-airing tonight on ABC at 8 p.m., so I thought I would take a stroll down memory lane.
Although our actual segment on Shark Tank only lasted 10+ minutes, we stood negotiating in front of the sharks for well over an hour. It was an incredibly stressful yet exhilarating experience. How often does one have an idea, turn it into a product, and then pitch the business to moguls like the "sharks"!
Things I never want to forget:
- Getting called back after each round of casting
- Landing, not one, but TWO sharks as investors/business partners
- The fun viewing party we had with close friends and family at our old high school, where Mark and I met
- Running [and growing] this business, hand-in-hand, with my husband
- Opening my email inbox after our Shark Tank segment aired and seeing 3000+ emails.
- Receiving our first email from Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec
- All the amazing people we've met as a result of this business and being on the show
- All the friends, family, colleagues, and strangers who've helped us get to this point
Things I'd like to forget:
- Mark spilling a bottle of water down his shirt moments before our taping
- The eternal wait in between each round of casting
- Wondering if we would ever get the chance to pitch in front of the sharks
- Going on backorder for months soon after our segment aired = a lot of lost revenue for a small business like ours
- The incredible stresses [& sleepless nights] of owning and running a small business
Overall, our experience on Shark Tank has been like the gift that keeps on giving. Now that it's been about a year since we first appeared on Shark Tank, people often ask us, "Was it worth it?" and "Would you do it again?" Absolutely! One thing I learned about entrepreneurship is that you have to seize every opportunity, and not take luck and timing for granted.
123___A Look Back at Shark Tank – lollaland___123___
You didn’t answer the question everyone wants to know – How’s business?!
LOVE the cup, has been in constant use since Poppy Lea got hers after the backorder.
We discovered you via Shark Tank, and are so grateful – we LOVE our Lollacup! Our daughter started drinking from it, effortlessly, even at 7 months old! We’ll definitely be ordering more, for ourselves and others =) All the best!
Joel – Business is good. We are definitely growing and we’re hoping to launch some additional products in the coming year. Thanks for your support!
Thank you for your support AND for spreading the word! We really have the best customers!
One of the most memorable moments of your 10 minute airtime that really impressed my husband and I was your refusal to take production overseas. Safety and product quality is our #1 concern and with lollacup we have no worries.
Our whole family loves lollacup. They are so cute and so easy to clean and use!
As a future product idea- I’d love to see a narrower version so it fits better in my daughters car seat.
Watching you on shark tank now! I’m interested in buying a cup to try on my daughter. I think we own every sippy cup that’s ever been made! My daughter has special needs (see my blog) and we see speech therapists and are desperately trying to get her to drink from a straw! Love the weighted straw concept! Excited to try this one (and hope its our last one)! Thanks!
I was shocked to see that the hospital in my area is caring your cup. I wish I would have had this when my first child was little, and look forward to using your US made product with my second due in August.
Just discovered you on Shark Tank (which I have NEVER watched until tonight, ha! glad I caught the end of it tonight ;) and I ordered my first lollacup! Can’t wait to get it! LOVE your idea. Hope this sets your business over the top!! Congratulations on the deal.
Awesome product wish I had babies ! Thank you for keeping them American made
Watching you guys on Shark Tank right now! I definitely want to get a cup for my niece. :)
Definitely getting your cup for my nephew after seeing on Shark Tank last night!! =) I clicked on a link ’Jay-Z and Beyonce take Blue on a lunch date" and I thought you might like to know Jay-Z is holding your cup!!
Were the sharks there for you when you needed them and did they give you the deal they said you would get? Good luck!
Thanks Alyssa for your kind words, support of our business, and suggestions!
Karen – Just spent some time on your blog. What an amazing mother you are. I was blessed this morning to have started my day reading your story! I hope Lollacup becomes Grace’s go-to cup.
Allison – congrats on your second! I am due in a month with my third! Have a great pregnancy.
Thanks Julie! Be careful, Shark Tank is addicting!
Thanks Sylvia…“Wish I had babies…” :) In due time!
Thanks :)
Rachel: too funny… i just saw the same picture on mediatakeout… and after seeing the episode of Shark Tank – I logged on here to let them know!
Love the lollacup idea… wish it was around when my daughter was using sippy cups! If I ever have another… (or for my next gift idea) – I think this is perfect.