The gift that keeps on giving + a huge giveaway!
Posted on July 13 2014
My favorite gift to give and receive for children’s birthdays is a book. Books are practical, timeless, and “good-for-you.” What more could a parent want in a gift? I don’t know about your children, but when my daughters receive toys for their birthday, they are over-the-top excited upon unwrapping that gift, but the elation fizzles pretty quickly. On the flipside, when they receive books, they are not at all visibly excited, but when we snuggle up in bed and read that book, they LOVE the book itself and the mommy time. As an added bonus, I often see them going back to peruse those books over and over again. A book is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Here is a list of books that I, personally, like to gift:
- Jenny’s Birthday Book by Esther Averill
- Hooray for Hat by Brian Won
- Spoon by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Scott Magoon
- The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers
- Sugar Cookies: Sweet Little Lessons on Love by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
- We Planted a Tree by Diane Muldrow and Bob Staake
Speaking of gifts that keep on giving, here is project idea a friend shared via Facebook. Her son’s preschool asks parents to volunteer to read books to the class. My friend read, Hooray for Hat by Brian Won, which is an adorable lesson on friendship and sharing, and had them make and decorate their own paper hats. So fun, isn’t it?
One of the authors mentioned above has generously donated a signed copy of his book, Hooray for Hat, and a signed archival print of "Hooray for Books" to giveaway to 1 lucky winner. Lollaland is adding 1 Lollacup and 1 Lollaland Mealtime Set to the giveaway. To enter to win, please leave a comment below. In the comment you must share the title of your family's favorite book. One winner will be chosen at random on Monday, July 21, 2014. Good luck!

1 lucky winner will receive a signed copy of Hooray for Books, a signed archival print of "Hooray for Books," 1 Lollacup, and 1Lollaland Mealtime Set.
Our family favorite is If You Give a Moose a Muffin.
One of our favorites is “How Full Is Your Bucket” by Tom Rath & Mary Reckmeyer & Maurie Manning
Congratulations, KBJ! You are the winner of the “Hooray for Books” Giveaway. Please email with the following information:
1. Lollacup Color
2. Mealtime Set Color
3. Mailing address.
The Little Blue Truck is my favorite book to give!
My little girl’s current favorite is Little Blue Truck Leads the Way! :)