Check Out Some Of The Funniest Tweets From Parents During COVID-19 Quarantine
Posted on October 01 2020

Sometimes the only way to power through challenging times is to laugh. You can cry, sure...there’s nothing with that. But sometimes, a genuine laugh and smile can be just as cathartic.
And thankfully, there have been a number of parents providing us with some quality laughs during this pandemic. If you don’t have a Twitter, don’t worry. We have searched through the tweets to give you the best of the best.
So if you find yourself on the verge of pulling your hair out during a particularly rough day, read the tweets below and remember you’re not alone. We’re all in this together, and we all deserve to laugh. Well, we deserve so much more than that, but we can start with a laugh.
I keep thinking life has hit rock bottom and then my kid's 8:15am remote school lesson is to practice and perfect Hot Cross Buns on the recorder
— maura quint (@behindyourback) September 17, 2020
My daughter refuses to fill this out, pointing out the many fields that prove that her teacher is trying to steal her identity
— jessica from 6’ away🧂 (@jessicashortall) September 16, 2020
#parenting during #Quarantine
— Bob Kostic (@causticbob) April 27, 2020
My kid’s teacher after months of homeschool.
— Dude-Bro Dad (@thedadvocate01) April 29, 2020
Our homeschooling curriculum includes: Honors Laundry and AP Vaccumming.
— Jen (@TheNextMartha) March 16, 2020
Live ~ Laugh ~ Lock yourself in the bathroom and enjoy some alone time today. You deserve it.
— Moderately Mom (@momtribevibe) May 3, 2020
I just wanted five minutes to drink my coffee so I sent my kid in the other room to look for a toy that’s in my pocket.
— Not the Nanny (@not_thenanny) May 20, 2020
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5yo: Mommy, I want some alone time but my sister won’t leave me be.
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) March 17, 2020
Me: Dude, same.
Parents, don't dismiss your children's ability to grasp what's happening in the world right now. Talk to them. Inform them. My kids may only be toddlers, but after a long talk about hygiene they're pretending to wash their hands for twice as long as usual.
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) March 16, 2020
Hard to imagine how my kids were ever able to survive regular school days without 23 snacks.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 20, 2020
The first hour of homeschooling started out strong, with some great reading comprehension exercises, and concluded with an epic tantrum over the fact that she can't watch Frozen 3 because it does not exist.
— Jeff Kosseff (@jkosseff) March 16, 2020
The first hour of homeschooling started out strong, with some great reading comprehension exercises, and concluded with an epic tantrum over the fact that she can't watch Frozen 3 because it does not exist.
— Jeff Kosseff (@jkosseff) March 16, 2020
For the foreseeable future, the 🤰🏻emoji is in reference to my quarantine bod, not pregnancy.
— Tortured by 2020 (@TorturedByTots) April 6, 2020
Please say a prayer for my 8 year old son, he has to write 4 sentences.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) April 19, 2020
Homeschooling is hard. I walked away for one minute. #TrueStory
— Jason Kander (@JasonKander) March 19, 2020