Thinking About Sending Your Kids Back To Daycare? We Have Some Good News For You
Posted on October 24 2020

2020 has been a terrible year. It feels like every week, there is more bad news to consume, especially when it comes to COVID-19. Even now, as we enter month 7 (8?) of this pandemic, states are still seeing surges in cases.
But there is some good news regarding the safety of preschools and daycares. You’ve probably been struggling with the decision now that things are opening back up, “Should you send your kid to daycare? Or is it too much of a risk?”
Well, according to the first major study of its kind, via Pediatrics (the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) sending young children into childcare centers that served kids under 6 was not associated with a higher COVID-19 risk among the daycare staff.
Study author Walter Gilliam, of the Yale University Child Study Center in Connecticut, made it clear in his statement that this study doesn’t fully answer the question, but it’s a good start.
“Our study doesn’t fully answer the question of whether to reopen child care or not. We don’t have data on children’s risk, and local levels of community spread matter a lot. But our study does offer solid evidence that, under certain conditions, it’s possible to open child care programs without putting staff in harm’s way.”
That’s certainly good news to hear. More research needs to be done, but it should offer at least a little comfort. For some, trying to balance work and taking care of their kids from home has been the greatest struggle of the pandemic. Hopefully this study (and others to come) will show that kids can return safely to daycare and school.
But what’s interesting is that there have been several outbreaks associated with high schools and colleges. We’re assuming that has something to do with the fact that it’s harder to regulate what those students do after school is over. Several students have been caught throwing parties.
So while the risk might be higher for older students, this new study seems to suggest for kids under 6, the risk decreases significantly.
“This study tells us that as long as there are strong on-site measures to prevent infection, providing care for young children doesn’t seem to add to the provider’s risk of getting sick.”
At the end of the day, it’s up to you and your family. You know what’s best. No matter your decision, don’t let anyone shame you for it. This has been a difficult time for everyone, and sometimes the world just needs a little compassion.