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Beat summer boredom - "Mom/Dad Camp" to the rescue!
A friend of mine brought up the idea of organizing a "Parent Camp," and it was such a g...
Lollaland's New Website is Live!
Growth Hacking? Adwords? Responsive? WHAT? I taught high school chemistry, became a mom...
A letter to Danielle + Julia, the two moms behind NeatCheeks (a flavored face wipe for kids)
First, congratulations. You’ve taken an idea to market, built distribution, and I’m exc...
Lollaland + Freshly Picked - Holiday Giveaway
Many companies who have been on Shark Tank are in contact with one another. We are all...
It's an exciting day in Lollaland! Lollaland Straw Sippy Cup in Select Target Stores (Shark Tank)
Before having children and launching Lollaland, I used to be a high school chemistry te...
The gift that keeps on giving + a huge giveaway!
My favorite gift to give and receive for children’s birthdays is a book. Books are pra...
Teacher Appreciation Week
My children absolutely adore their teachers. Second to parents and family, teachers im...
April is National Autism Awareness Month
My first full-time job after graduating from college, was at a school for children with...
Feeling thankful during a family crisis. By: Lolladad
Thanksgiving week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. What is better for your sou...
Kill Your Darlings
I have a friend who is a talented writer, and every time I talk to her, I learn somethi...
Marriage 101 - Appreciation
The Pastor who married my husband and me required us to take a premarital class before ...
My Go-To Prime Rib
I love to cook and entertain, but now that I'm a working mother, entertaining means coo...
100 Days of Pure Bliss
How is it that my baby is 100 days old? They weren’t kidding when they said, “Third tim...
Happy Mother's Day
I cannot believe Mother's Day is here. In honor of the fabulous day, I am compelled to...
You are more beautiful than you think
I'm not one to share every video I come across on Facebook or even find much enjoyment ...
Lotus + Lollacup Giveaway
Last week I was in a bit of a panic. The girls' spring break was fast-approaching, w...
Sensitive Skin, Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis - Oh My!
Sensitive Skin, Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis – Apparently, I’ve had it all since the day I...